Whether you use your bike as your primary mode of transportation and love to bring home hot pizza for dinner, or whether you’re a delivery person making runs in a city or through lots of traffic, you might be wondering, how do you carry a pizza on a bike?
This question is about more than just preserving a tasty meal. It’s also imperative for your protection and the safety of those around you to keep your eyes on the road and worry only about riding carefully. Luckily, there are a few different ways to make it happen. In this article, we’ll look at all of them. Let’s take a closer look.
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Can You Carry a Pizza on a Bike?
The simple answer to this question is yes; you absolutely can carry pizza on a bike. That said, it’s probably not a good idea to do so on a standard bike without any particular apparatus.
How to Deliver Pizza on a Bike
Delivering pizza on a bike is relatively intuitive. However, there are some additional elements to consider. First, make sure that your employer knows that you’re on a bike. They shouldn’t designate you for distant deliveries or deliveries in places that are dangerous to reach on a bike.
Second, familiarize yourself with the rules of the road for bikers, including sidewalk rules, turn signals, and more. Finally, be sure to wear a helmet! A helmet can protect you and even save your life in the event of an accident.
How Do You Transport Pizza on a Bike?
To safely transport pizza on a bike, you need somewhere to put it securely in place and will not fall or slide around.
Believe it or not, you can buy a special rack made just for carrying pizza on a bicycle, and that is one effective solution for how you take a pizza on a bike.
This pizza bike rack attaches to the bike’s front on the handlebars and the front wheel for stability. The front is open so that you can carry boxes of various sizes. While the sidebars are designed for one pizza box, more seasoned riders can stack them and have multiple packages, ideal for large families or delivery people.
The rack may also be used to carry more than just pizza. While the weight capacity isn’t enough to move very heavy items, it is appropriate for groceries, purses or other bags, and many other things that you may want to bring along with you.
One of the most common ways to deliver pizza on a bike is to use a food delivery backpack. This is an excellent item for people working for Uber Eats, Grubhub, DoorDash, Instacart, or a similar service because it is designed to hold a wide array of food containers. It also keeps them both hot or cold as it is insulated. That makes your customers happy, which can translate to better tips.
Best of all, it’s relatively inexpensive, and since it doesn’t attach to the bike itself, you won’t have to carry around extra weight when you bike at times other than when you’re making deliveries.
Another option is a pneumatic air suspension carrier, which is a favourite of Ramen delivery people on bicycles in Japan. However, these do not come cheap; they cost around $400 each, a steep price for a pizza delivery person especially. However, the most expensive option is also the best in this case.
Yet another gadget that works well for carrying pizza on a bike is the Surly 24-pack rack. Because it is designed to hold a 24-pack of canned beverages, as the name implies, it is more than capable of transporting multiple pizzas at a time. It is also an excellent option for bicyclists who want to use their rack to carry a wide array of other items. A very popular option is to use a standard rear rack with a bungee cord.
Rear racks are versatile items to attach to your bike. They’re also lightweight, so you won’t mind the little bit of extra weight when you’re not making deliveries or transporting anything else. It’s also easy to attach a milk crate or other basket to a rear rack for added stability.
Trailers work well for delivering pizza, other foods and for transporting practically anything (you can even get them fit with a car seat for the littlest member of your family).
They’re ideal for holding multiple pizza boxes easily. However, they take a little bit of getting used to; it can be difficult to navigate city traffic with one attached.
We recommend getting used to riding with one during your free time or when traffic is much lighter. That way, you can be both confident and safe.
Finally, if you’re independent and handy, why not make one for yourself? There are tutorials and instructions available to do so, as long as you have the suitable materials and tools. Give it a try!
How Do You Fit a Specialized Pizza Rack?
In order for any of these methods to work effectively and safely, you have to make sure that whatever apparatus you buy will fit your bike. For one thing, you’ll need a bike that has mid-fork eyelets and a hole in the fork crown.
You’ll also need to know the dimensions of your bike frame and the wheels. That way, the basket, rack, or another item can attach securely and safely. Otherwise, it could interfere with your ability to operate the bike or the wheels to turn freely.
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Most are easy to install and require only basic tools, such as a screwdriver or a wrench. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully, and if you have trouble, there are plenty of tutorials and videos to watch to help you. It’s also handy to have a helper. If nothing else, they can hold the bike upright and steady while you work.
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